Shipping Information
1. Please allow 1-2 business days for handling. Tracking number will be issued once the order is shipped. Shipping fees depend on the weight of your items if standard rate or expedited rate shipping is chosen.
2. For flat rate shipping/ free shipping, we'll send your package via USPS within the U.S. It will arrive 3-4 business days.
3. For international standard rate shipping, we ship your package via China post, which takes 2-3 weeks to most countries in the world.
4. For expedited rate shipping, we ship via Fedex ,it takes about 3-7 business days.
5. We ship most our goods from the U.S. In some occasions, if the item is out of stock, we might need to ship from China and buyer will be notified through email. It takes longer to deliver within the U.S. and buyer will be asked if they would like to wait for the item, otherwise they can always cancel and get the refund.
6. If you have any other questions, please email us on We will respond within 48 hours.